Every New Monster Revealed For Monster Hunter Wilds (So Far)


With 2024 coming to an end, Monster Hunter Wilds fans don’t have too long to wait until its release on February 28, 2025, and Capcom has already released lots of details on the confirmed monsters you can expect to see. Capcom recently released a new trailer for the game and a gameplay overview, with new information such as the removal of gender on armor, along with 25 new monsters.

In Monster Hunter Wilds, Alma, the expedition’s handler, leads players through various biomes to investigate the White Wraith, the supposed extinct Arkveld, while also rescuing Nata’s people. She’ll also guide fans as they play as the group’s hunter through quests, which are focused on monster hunts, accompanied by a Palico for support and occasionally other units, such as the Astrum Unit. Four monsters were revealed directly in the latest trailer: Doshaguma, Balahara, Chatacarba, and Rey Dau.

Along with the recent trailer showcase, various eagle-eyed players have dissected promotional materials to decipher some of the as-of-yet-unnamed creatures still to be formally revealed by Capcom. However, lots of this is still speculative and not yet confirmed. As such, our below list is still a work-in-progress as we wait for more details to come to light. Keep checking back to find out new monster details as they’re revealed over the coming weeks and months.

Doshaguma Are Present In All In-Game Environments

They Have Ranging Threat Levels

This particular monster can be found in the Windward Plains and the Scarlet Forest; it resembles a lion with its thick fur mane but has the legs of a rhino with claws. It is also noted as one of the fanged beasts, meaning it moves quickly and resembles mammals. With front legs, it is armored and its claws are sharp, allowing it to deal a lot of damage. Other than its claws, it can use its canines to fight back.

Doshaguma also move in packs, with its leader being the largest to fight for their other Doshaguma. They are more powerful and more defensive, being a greater threat to hunters, but they are distinguishable from the rest of their group. Other than their size difference, they also have red faces followed by a red mane as well.

Not much else is known for now, but the terrifying monster can be seen in action in the video above. According to Monster Hunter Wiki, not only do Doshaguma take issue with their own species, but they also will battle in “turf wars” with Balahara and Lala Barina.

The Balahara Can Be Frightening

It Has A Surprise Element With Its Attacks

The Balahara Monster in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Unlike the Doshaguma, this monster follows a more reptilian structure in its design and appearance. The Balahara can be found only in the Windward Plains, as the sand is its home. It resembles a leech with its movement and jaw but crossed with a snake, as its body is covered with scales. Its jaw features three tongues and is covered by teeth. It also emits a turquoise glow from its mouth, reminiscent of a Godzilla-like attack move.

Unlike the snake and leech, the Balahara has four small legs that allow it to move rather fast when not swimming through the sand.

The Balahara has the unique ability to create quicksand, trapping hunters and prey in their control. With all the information provided by Capcom, it is unclear if and whether they can counter the quicksand. That being said, they are known to be weak for sonic bombs when in the sand. They can also latch onto items, such as pillars, projectile vomit some kind of toxic mud, and function in packs like Doshaguma. There is no news yet as to how to distinguish their pack leader, and if there is one, but hopefully this will soon come to light.

Chatacarba Looks Like A Toad

But Don’t Be Fooled – It’s Dangerous

The Chatacarba is a crowd favorite; the developers based its character model on a toad, following the same characteristics of an amphibian. Quite literally, its English name is “Cladding Frog.” Its most noticeable trait is its long tongue, drooping out of its mouth constantly. When attacking, it’s also important to keep in mind that using the saliva from its tongue, it glues rocks to its front legs, giving it armor. It powers up their attacks. Once removed, Chatacarbas take more damage.

The Chatacarba’s tongue is its weakest point for attacks.

Using the new mechanic, focus mode, allows hunters to select more specific spots to attack the monster, and with a focus strike it deals more damage. It can also be used to shield players and highlight any weak spots for monsters. For the Chatacarba, this mode can be helpful when taking it down, especially when aiming for wounds, as it will destroy the wound while also stunning it. It is also very big – Chatacarbas are like a fanged beast, minus the mammal aspects, such as hair.

Rey Dau Rules Throughout The Desert

It’s A Predator For Windward Fields

The Rey Dau, seen in detail in the above video from YouTuber BakeNation is one of the flying monsters in this new game and with a high threat level. This flying wyvern can only be found in the Windward Fields. It resembles a dragon, but its wings resemble those of a pterosaur, making it a rather interesting monster. This particular creature ties both the future and the past through its existence and its body. Its mysticalness also extends to its appearance – it’s common to spot during a storm, weaving through lighting.

Speaking of storms, they can harness electricity and use it in their attacks by using their horns to channel the lighting. Hunters can pick this up, as its wings and back begin to glow blue from the electricity in their system. Since it is so strong, it leads the Windward Fields as an apex predator, and for players, it’s still uncertain how to take down this monster as there is no known weakness. With some months before the game’s release, hopefully Capcom will reveal more details on this intriguing monster.

All Monsters Confirmed For Monster Hunter Wilds

Returning & New

Other than these four monsters, other new monsters were introduced in the trailers for Monster Hunter Wilds. In the video above, YouTuber RageGamingVideos highlights just a little of what fans can expect from the creatures, though Capcom is still keeping lots of details under wraps for now. As the content creator notes though, there are two as-of-yet unnamed creatures teased via armor sets in promotional materials that have yet to be named. Each of these are purple, though few other details are known. Similarly, Rathian hasn’t been confirmed, but is expected.

We’ll update the following list periodically with new additions and name clarifications.

  • Arkveld
  • Baunos
  • Balahara
  • Bulaqchi
  • Ceratonoth (Returning Monster)
  • Conga
  • Congalala (Returning Monster)
  • Chatacabra
  • Dalthydon (Returning Monster)
  • Doshaguma
  • Gaijos
  • Lala Barina
  • Quematrice
  • Rathalos (Returning Monster)
  • Rey Dau
  • Seikret
  • Talioth
  • Uth Duna
  • Yian-Kut-Ku
  • Wudwuds
  • Wingdrake (Unnamed Variant)
  • Unnamed Purple Monster 1
  • Unnamed Purple Monster 2

Throughout all of the reveals, a commonality is that monsters will now appear at varying threat levels, representative of their health and attack power, and all sizes of monsters can be packs, as the alphas will be indicative of the difference in color compared to the rest of their pack. This will add to the challenge of gameplay, allowing for more exciting and dynamic battles to fully immerse the player.

Despite a lot of game releases expected in February 2025, including the recently-delayed Assassin’s Creed Shadows, Monster Hunter Wilds still seems like a definite wishlist add, not only for existing fans but also those new to the beloved franchise. From hands-on previews, the game is already shaping up as a potential candidate to be the best from the series. In the meantime, the game is available for pre-order on all platforms, and it will be possible to play cross-platform in lobbies and hunts.

Pre-ordering can also give players extras, as the Playstation, Steam, and Xbox pre-orders will gift bonus items, the amount of them depending on the edition purchased. It is also possible to pre-order the deluxe and premium deluxe editions. The Monster Hunter Wilds premium deluxe edition will include additional items as well and will come with a DLC at a later date.

Sources: Monster Hunter, BakeNation/YouTube, RageGamingVideos/YouTube, Rathalos Watch/YouTube, Monster Hunter Wiki

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