Exactly How to (Legally) Remove a Security Tag When a Store Forgets


You’ve just returned from a shopping trip and can’t wait to wear your newest dress out tonight. But as you spin around in the mirror like Cinderella, your heart suddenly sinks. There, hanging from the shoulder, you see it — an unsightly plastic security tag. 

Shoppers find themselves in this pickle more often than you might think. Busy store cashiers can deactivate clothing security tags without clipping them off, so it’s very possible for shoppers to leave a store and make it home without noticing the error. 

Online retailers can make a similar mistake. In their haste to get shipments sent out in time, e-stores may fail to notice clothing security tags before shipping merchandise out. 

However the tag got there, you’re probably peeved. But resist the urge to rip the clothing security tag off or smash it with a heavy object. Likewise, you should probably ignore internet guides that suggest all manner of violent liberation tactics, from stabbing at the tag with a screwdriver to setting it on fire (unless your goal is to destroy the garment and injure yourself in the process).

Instead, let’s approach the problem of removing security tags armed with a bit of knowledge, finesse and patience. Take a deep breath, and let’s dive in.

A quick note on retail theft: It probably goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway: Shoplifting is a crime, and you shouldn’t do it. None of these methods are intended to be used on clothes you haven’t already paid for.

Different Types of Security Tags and How They Work

Before a tag can be removed, you’ll want to know exactly what kind of clothing security tag you’re dealing with. There are a few different types of security tags for different kinds of merchandise.

For our purposes, we’re going to focus on the most common types of security tags you’re likely to find at major clothing retailers.

EAS Clothing Security Tags

Image: Amazon

Electronic article surveillance (EAS) clothing security tags are probably what you imagine when you think of a “clothing security tag.” EAS tags use either radio-frequency or acoustic-magnetic frequencies to communicate with an antenna attached to alarms. Put simply, EAS tags are the little plastic buttons on merchandise that make the detectors by the door beep.

Ink Security Tags


Ink security tags are the most common clothing security tag among a group called “benefit denial” tags. These are security tags designed to destroy the merchandise they’re attached to when tampered with.

If you try to smash or otherwise brute force an ink security tag, a capsule inside may break and release an indelible dye that stains the clothes permanently (and human skin semi-permanently). Some ink security tags are helpfully labeled with a warning — something like “Tampering with this tag will release ink.” Not all are so obvious, however, and you can’t always tell an ink security tag just by looking at it. It’s also worth noting some clothing security tags combine the features of ink security tags and EAS tags.

When in doubt, operate under the assumption you’re working with a tiny indelible ink bomb. That means wear gloves and don’t keep anything nearby that you mind getting stained with ink forever (seriously, you should probably do this outside).

Fake Security Tags

Image: eBay

Some tags are simply designed to look like clothing security tags but contain none of the hardware to set off store alarms or create inky explosions. These exist solely as a visual deterrent to shoplifters. Since you likely don’t know what’s inside the tag, we’ll, unfortunately, have to operate as if we’re working with the real deal.

How To Remove Security Tags From Clothes at Home

The ideal method of removing security tags is also the most obvious — bring the gift back to the store and explain your situation. The employees are best equipped to remove security tags without damaging the item. Heading back to the store where you bought the item from with a receipt in hand is the best move. 

But there might be reasons this isn’t the best approach for you. If you’ve purchased the item online, for example, you might not want to go through the long process of sending it back. Maybe you lost the receipt, in which case you run the risk of store employees working the return counter becoming suspicious of your intentions. Or maybe the store is just far away (or you bought it while traveling), and you don’t have time to drive (or even fly) back to the store.

So, let’s take a look at some other options ….

1. Contact a Professional

The second best option for removing security tags — while keeping your clothes undamaged — is to enlist the help of an expert in the fabric arts. Try reaching out to either a local tailor or sewist to explain your predicament. Hopefully, they will consent to helping you with the task of removing the security tag, minimizing the chance of ripping a hole in your garment or staining it with ink.

2. Use a Security Tag Remover Magnet

Image: Amazon

A lot of clothing security tags can be removed with the assistance of a magnet, But we’re not talking about the wimpy magnets barely clinging to the door of your fridge. What you need is about as big and powerful a magnet as you can get.

To remove a clothing security tag, you’ll need a rare earth magnet, similar to the magnets found in computer hard drives. These uber-powerful magnets are also pretty easy to find on Amazon, like this Fishing Magnet from Neosmuk ($9.99) with 300 pounds of pulling power.

To set about removing security tags, place your security tag remover magnet on a table or other flat surface. Then, touch the base of the tag to the magnet. You should hear a clicking noise, at which point you can begin wiggling the other side of the tag until the pin comes loose.

Remember to practice caution while using any high-powered security tag remover magnet. These can cause pretty serious injury to any body part that gets pinched between the magnet and an object it’s attracted to.

3. The Household Hacks

 If you’re unable or unwilling to invest in one of the above methods, you can take the somewhat riskier chance of using one of the many internet “hacks” for removing clothing security tags in a more forceful manner.

These methods have a significantly higher risk of damaging your clothes—either by tearing or staining them with ink. However, they do offer the undeniable advantage of utilizing everyday objects you may already have lying around your home.

The Rubber Band Method

Security tag with rubber band
Credit: 737mechanic

One of the most popular online hacks for removing security tags requires only a large, thick rubber band. Simply wind the rubber band around the pin (between the fabric and one side of the tag). Keep winding the band around and around until the elastic force of the band pops the locking mechanism apart. If it doesn’t come off with one band, you can try twisting it back and forth a bit or using a second rubber band.

Here’s a video of this hack in action.

The Two Forks Method


Sometimes stores forget to remove security tags after deactivating them. Here’s what to do if that happens to you — safely and legally. A Quick Note on Retail Theft: It probably goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway: Shoplifting is a crime and you shouldn’t do it. None of these methods are intended to be used on clothes you haven’t already paid for. #retailmenot #shopping #securitytag #shoppinghack #deals #diy #shoptokwin

♬ Caramel Latte – Prod. By Rose

Another popular method of prying security tags apart uses something everyone has around their home — forks. Like the rubber band method, you can wedge a fork all the way in between the fabric and clothing security tag. Then, take a second fork and wedge in the opposite direction so they’re back to back. Then, pry and wiggle the forks slowly until the two sides of the tag come apart.

The Freezer Method

You might have come across advice online suggesting you can freeze ink security tags, turning the liquid ink inside solid — thus preventing it from spilling all over the place.

Unfortunately, your freezer likely isn’t cold enough to reach the freezing point of the ink inside clothing security tags. Unless you have access to some frozen nitrogen, wrapping the ink security tag tightly in a plastic bag before you try to force it apart might be a better (if still imperfect) option.

The post Exactly How to (Legally) Remove a Security Tag When a Store Forgets appeared first on The Real Deal by RetailMeNot.

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