How to Make a Chamomile Tincture


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Chamomile is one of my favorite herbs because of its delicate scent and great taste in teas. It is my absolute favorite herb for kids and I keep a tincture of Chamomile on hand for any childhood aches and ailments.

Switching to a real food diet has eliminated our bouts with ear infections and stuffy noses (though Chamomile helps with those too!) but some things, like teething pain, can’t be fixed with healthy food!

Chamomile Tincture

The type of chamomile I use in herbal tinctures is German chamomile, also known as Matricaria chamomilla, chamomilla recutita, or Matricaria recutita. Roman chamomile is also available, but it’s not used as often and has a different taste. The different chamomiles also have slightly different properties so I’m just going to focus on German chamomile here.

How to Use Chamomile

Chamomile is a naturally calming herbal remedy that relaxes nerves and reduces pain. Its been known to settle the stomach and reduce gas and colic in infants. I use it to soothe fussy babies, calm down upset toddlers, and on bruises.

Adults can use Chamomile as a sleep aid, to ease menstrual cramps, relieve headaches, for digestive health and soothe frayed nerves. It’s also great for the skin, especially eczema, and can even naturally lighten hair. Chamomile helps support the nervous system and may boost the immune system.

A small trial found that chamomile can help soothe the pain and stiffness from osteoarthritis. Much like turmeric, chamomile can help with inflammation. The liquid extract contains antioxidant flavanoids, like apigenin that help fight inflammation and improve sleep.

Chamomile tea is one of the most popular herbal teas, but sometimes it’s just faster to grab a tincture. A homemade Chamomile tincture is incredibly easy to make and is my favorite baby gift for new parents. I take it to the hospital when I have a baby (mainly for me during labor!).

Alcohol-free Chamomile Extract

Not everyone wants a chamomile herbal extract made with alcohol. Herbal glycerites use vegetable glycerin instead and are another option. While I feel safe giving chamomile tinctures even to my babies and little ones, here’s how to make a glycerite if you want that option.

chamomile tincture


Homemade Chamomile Tincture

This quick and easy chamomile tincture is perfect to have on hand for both little ones and adults.

Prep Time5 mins

Maceration Time14 d

Yield: 28 ounces (approx)

Author: Katie Wells


Storage: Store your chamomile tincture in a cool, dry place away from direct light and heat. 

Chamomile Tincture Dosing

Any herb can be preserved with this method, and often this is the most cost-effective way to use herbs. I grow a lot of my own herbs, but I’ll get organic chamomile or other herbs from here if it’s not in my garden.

Chamomile Tincture Variations

Sometimes I’ll tincture a single herb, but having some blends on hand is also nice. Chamomile also blends well with catnip, lemon balm, peppermint, or fennel. Catnip and lemon balm are both calming nervines. Peppermint and fennel help soothe digestive upsets.

Another tincture I keep on hand is my homemade Herbal Digestive Remedy Tincture. This one uses both peppermint and fennel, but you could add some chamomile too. The nice thing about homemade herbal supplements is customizing them to my exact needs!

What homemade tinctures do you make? Share below!


  1. Srivastava, J. K., Shankar, E., & Gupta, S. (2010). Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. Molecular medicine reports, 3(6), 895–901.
  2. Shoara, r., et al. (2015). Efficacy and safety of topical Matricaria chamomilla L. (chamomile) oil for knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled clinical trial, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 21(3), 181-187.

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