The darkly comedic series, whose title refers to the social media acronym for “down to f*ck,” is about a love triangle among three adults experiencing middle-age malaise that leads to one of them ending up dead.
The darkly comedic series, whose title refers to the social media acronym for “down to f*ck,” is about a love triangle among three adults experiencing middle-age malaise that leads to one of them ending up dead.
Dune: Prophecy Renewed for Season 2 at HBO The news was announced during a virtual press conference Thursday afternoon, a...
To celebrate the upcoming launch of Habilis: The Aura Seed, the debut novel by E.K. Mikulski, we’re thrilled to announce...
After 14 remarkable seasons, the beloved police procedural drama Blue Bloods comes to an end tonight on CBS. Fans across...
In the latest episode of Shrinking, Gaby “kidnaps” Paul – or as she likes to put it, “borrows him against...
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