Forget Gi-hun, This Is The Squid Game Character Who Will Save Everyone In Season 3


Warning! Spoilers for Squid Game season 2 ahead!

Gi-hun’s goal is to stop the deadly competition in Squid Game season 2, but another character is far better equipped to achieve this in season 3. After watching all 455 competitors brutally killed in season 1, Gi-hun became obsessed with taking the games down. Leading to season 2, there were several theories bounced around regarding how he would pull this off. Ultimately, the new batch of episodes revealed that Gi-hun would re-enter the games, resuming his place as player 456 to save as many lives as possible. However, he hasn’t been very successful in his goals.

The ending of Squid Game season 2 saw Gi-hun lead a charge against the game’s guards. He and a handful of other players managed to wrestle away some guns, and they began to make their way to the control room. What Gi-hun would have done from there is unknown since he didn’t make it that far. The Front Man, who had secretly made his way into Gi-hun’s inner circle as Player 001, put a stop to things. It seems that the terrible games of Squid Game are doomed to continue forever. However, there is one power player left going into season 3 who is set up to change everything.

No-eul Is The One Who Can Take Down The Games From The Inside In Season 3

No-eul Is Perfectly Positioned To Carry Out Gi-hun’s Plan

No-eul putting her guard costume in Squid Game season 2

Prior to Squid Game season 2, it was hoped that Gi-hun would enter the games as a guard this time around. This way, he could take the competition down from the inside. Of course, this didn’t end up happening—but it seems that there is a similar way that the Front Man’s operation could be sabotaged. One of the significant surprises of Squid Games season 2’s earlier episodes is that No-eul, a South Korean deserter desperate to find the daughter she left behind, was entering the games, not as a player but as one of the triangle-masked guards.

It’s implied in Squid Game that No-eul became a guard hoping the money would allow her to find her daughter. She is dangerously accurate with a rifle and can kill without a second thought, so No-eul is uniquely equipped to be one of the Front Man’s soldiers. Still, she isn’t a bad person. No-eul has consistently demonstrated her personal morality in Squid Game, and as one of the people working for the games, she may be better set up than Gi-hun to save the remaining players desperate to go home following the rebellion.

Guard 011 Is The Next Best Chance To Save Everyone After Gi-hun’s Rebellion Failed

After The Rebellion, No One Will Have Eyes On The Guards

Gi-hun believed in Squid Game season 2 that if enough of the players got their hands on guns, they could overtake the guards and gain their freedom. He even seemed to believe that doing so would end the entire operation forever. However, his rebellion was doomed from the start. He didn’t realize that his new friend, Player 001, was actually the Front Man, who, like Gi-hun, had entered the competition for the second time. Player 456’s every move was being closely watched, and his rebellion only went on as long as was allowed. Poor Gi-hun never stood a real chance.

Guard 011 is a different story. The guards in Squid Game get up to their own dealings, and much of this is overlooked. No-eul could begin subtly working against the games, and it could go unnoticed by her superiors for quite some time. Squid Game season 3 may see No-eul deciding that, in the wake of Gi-hun’s failed rebellion, she no longer wants to kill contestants who clearly want to live and escape. She joined up with the games because she believed that those she was dealing quick, merciful death, but the events of Squid Game season 2 have shown her that this isn’t how things work in the games.

Squid Game Is Setting Up No-eul To Have A Change Of Heart And Rebel Against Her Bosses

No-eul Is Already Feeling Conflicted About The Guards’ Secret Practices

At the start of the games in Squid Game season 2, No-eul had no issue shooting and killing players when they lost the games. She is a trained soldier, after all. However, she quickly noticed that many of the soldiers were only injuring the losers and sending them away in their neatly wrapped boxes while still alive. This was happening back in Squid Game season 1 as well, and it was ultimately revealed that the guards were running an organ-harvesting operation. For the organs to be worth anything, they must be taken from fresh corpses, so losers are left alive as long as possible.

While Squid Game season 2 ended with No-eul standing down and allowing suffering players to have their organs harvested, her issue with this practice sets up her own rebellion in Squid Game season 3.

This greatly bothers No-eul in Squid Game season 2. She doesn’t mind a quick, clean kill, but leaving people to suffer pulls at her conscience. So, No-eul began to go out of her way to kill contestants her fellow guards had purposely left alive. This set her at odds with her colleagues and superiors, and No-eul was forced to stop when she was assaulted by another set of guards. While Squid Game season 2 ended with No-eul standing down and allowing suffering players to have their organs harvested, her issue with this practice sets up her own rebellion in Squid Game season 3.

No-eul May Have Already Betrayed Her Bosses At The End Of Squid Game Season 2

No-eul Was Mysteriously Absent For Squid Game Season 2’s Big Ending

No-eul holding a card in Squid Game season 2, episode 2

No-eul was MIA during Gi-hun’s rebellion in Squid Game season 2. Since all the guards wore masks, it was difficult to tell if any of the triangle soldiers shooting at Gi-hun and his friends were Guard 011. Technically, she could have been any of those who were shot and killed. However, this seems unlikely. It wouldn’t make sense to invest so much time into this character’s story only to unceremoniously kill her off. Still, it’s possible that No-eul was more involved in Gi-hun’s rebellion that it appeared on screen, especially as far as Gyeong-seok was involved.


Squid Game Season 3: Cast, Story & Everything We Know

The smash-hit Korean series Squid Game finally returned to Netflix for its second season in late 2024, and season 3 is already confirmed too.

No-eul became familiar with Gyeong-seok before she became a guard in the games in Squid Game season 2. Gyeong-seok’s young daughter is suffering from cancer and will die if he doesn’t get enough money for her treatment. No-eul grew attached to the little girl, though she attempted to sever this emotional tie when she agreed to become a guard. Still, seeing Gyeong-seok as a player was a significant jolt for No-eul.

Squid Game season 3 is expected to release in 2025.

Gyeong-seok was among those who fought by Gi-hun’s side during the player rebellion, though he was shot in the end when he ran out of ammo and attempted to surrender to the guards. However, Gyeong-seok’s body was never explicitly shown in Squid Game season 2, and neither was the location in which the man was shot. This led to the theory that No-eul was the guard who shot Gyeong-seok and that she only did so to save him​​​​​​, knowing he would be kept alive for the sake of his organs. If this is true, then Squid Game season 3 should pick right up with No-seul’s next rebellious move.

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