How Buck’s 9-1-1 Couch Trend Supports His & Eddie’s Romance Chances


9-1-1 has seen Eddie and Buck go from potential rivals to best friends, but a particular couch theory implies that they could still be more. Though Buck (Oliver Stark) has been with 9-1-1 since the beginning, Eddie (Ryan Guzman) only joined the 118 in season 2. Initially, Buck greeted him with jealousy and scorn. However, it didn’t take long for Eddie to win Buck over and become a welcome part of the 118 family. Now among the main cast of 9-1-1 season 8, Eddie and Buck are best friends that have been there for each other through thick and thin.

In a show like 9-1-1, the scenarios they have faced together has included tsunamis, being buried alive, and even bee-nados. As a result, there is nobody that Eddie and Buck trust more than each other to have their backs and look after their family members. Buck’s coma dream even predicted Eddie’s separation from his son Christopher, so in tune have they become. Regardless, Eddie and Buck have never crossed the line into more than friendship. That hasn’t stopped fans, however, who continue to believe in their chemistry and subscribe to a certain theory that they are made for each other.

Couch Theory In 9-1-1 Explained

Couches Have Become Synonymous With Buck’s Relationships on 9-1-1

Ryan Guzman as Eddie Diaz and Oliver Stark as Buck Asleep in 9-1-1

The aforementioned 9-1-1 theory comes courtesy of Buck’s history of couches and how they relate to his past relationships. It all began long after Connie Britton left 9-1-1 for new projects, when Buck began dating local television reporter, Taylor Kelly. After some time, they made plans to move in together, which paved the way for Buck and Taylor to replace his couch with her own. Unfortunately, they ultimately split up, leaving Buck without a couch. Over time, however, Buck would go through several more new love interests, and with each new romance, came a new couch.


Why 9-1-1’s Best Crossover Special May Never Happen (& That’s For The Best)

Now that 9-1-1 airs on ABC, the possibility of crossing over with other shows has increased, but its best crossover opportunity likely won’t happen.

Buck attempted to rectify the trend by buying a chair, emphasizing his desire to be self-reliant and not get too deeply immersed in who he was dating. His parents ultimately stepped in, however. After one of his worst 9-1-1 near-death experiences, his parents’ purchase served as evidence of how far their own relationship had healed. But their chosen couch turned out to be one that Buck felt was uncomfortable and that he couldn’t fall asleep on while his extended family was visiting.

Buck promptly fell asleep — highlighting his immediate comfort on Eddie’s couch and, potentially, with Eddie himself.

That situation came to a head when he visited Eddie in frustration in 9-1-1 season 6, episode 12, “Recovery.” As Eddie fetched them beers, Buck fell asleep — highlighting his immediate comfort on Eddie’s couch and, potentially, with Eddie himself. That is certainly the way that many 9-1-1 fans interpreted the situation. That was especially true when Eddie’s son, Christopher, also fell asleep on the couch. Occurring under similar circumstances, in a position fitting right alongside Buck’s own, it spoke to the idea that they were a ready-made family waiting to happen, and that Eddie was “the one

Why Buck & Eddie Are Best Suited For Each Other In 9-1-1

Certain 9-1-1 Fans Have Shipped The Pair As Far Back As Season 2

A blended image of Eddie and Buck on 9-1-1

When it comes to Buck and Eddie, there is a lot of overlap in the Venn diagram of their personalities — for better and for worse. Both are strong, loyal, and willing to go above and beyond for those they love and members of the public alike. So true is that fact that they often sacrifice their own happiness for others, which is why Eddie’s exit in 9-1-1 season 8 will no doubt be short-lived. They can also be similarly reckless when it comes to their personal safety, whether trying to rescue people while on a call or just in general.


9-1-1 Season 8’s Nuisance Character Is To Blame For Eddie’s Shock Exit

The 9-1-1 season 8 midseason finale teased Eddie’s exit, and one random character is to blame for him possibly leaving the ABC drama series.

That personality overlap only emphasizes why Buck and Eddie would be good together. Nobody would understand their positive and negative traits better than each other. Together they could likely help to negate such behaviors, being unafraid to call them out, as they have already done in the past, and evolve in their own right. As seen in previous 9-1-1 episodes, they also bring out each other’s fun sides like nobody else has. So, as much as the Buck and Bobby dynamic shouldn’t be ignored in 9-1-1 season 8, so too should Buck and Eddie’s be further explored.

Can 9-1-1 Actually Make Buck & Eddie’s Romance A Reality?

Are the 9-1-1 Writers Queerbaiting With Eddie and Buck?

Though the 9-1-1 couch theory is only rooted in metaphor, it’s nonetheless a compelling one. Whether or not the writers intended it this way, however, remains to be seen. It wouldn’t be the first time the idea of a Buck and Eddie relationship has crept into the show, however. All the way back in 9-1-1 season 2, Buck and Eddie were caught on a live stream, with those watching saying they should be a couple. Further down the line, Buck and Eddie were mistaken for a couple while out with Christopher. There have also been awkward hugs aplenty.

9-1-1 season 8 returns Thursday, March 6, 2025, on ABC

There was also the basketball incident in 9-1-1 season 7, episode 4, ‘Buck, Bothered, And Bewildered.’ It inadvertently played like Buck was jealous that somebody was taking Eddie away. Now 9-1-1 is exploring Buck’s bisexuality, past events can be recontextualized as him having a crush — unrequited or otherwise. While Eddie insists he’s straight, so was Buck until a certain point. As such, it would be easy for 9-1-1 writers,if they wished, to make Eddie and Buck a couple that work together akin to TK and Carlos on 9-1-1: Lone Star, lest the couch metaphor (and more) run the risk of being considered queerbaiting.


9-1-1 is a television series that explores the intense experiences of police officers, paramedics, and firefighters. Premiered in 2018, it follows these emergency responders as they navigate high-pressure situations and attempt to balance their demanding work with personal challenges in their own lives.

Release Date

January 3, 2018



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