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SpoilerTV’s Weekly Round Table: 105th Edition


Hello and welcome to SpoilerTV’s Weekly Round Table! Joining us this week is Val (VL), Anjali (AS), Elena (ET), Meredith (MH), Joshua (JO), KimR (KR), Mariasol (SO). You just have to sit back enjoy the read and join the discussion in the comment section down below.

Please note, every opinion belongs to its respective author; it does not encompass our site’s, or other authors’, beliefs.

Do you prefer a longer hiatus between episodes for less breaks, or a shorter hiatus, but with the frequent breaks throughout the season? Why or why not?

VL: I can’t deal with a longer hiatus for a tv show. If it’s out of production’s control then fine, do what needs to be done. However, if it’s done intentionally, I find myself having to do a rewatch to remember what happened last. I should say I’ve gotten used to it because of the writers’ strike and the actors’ strike happening – oh, and before that, the pandemic – but no, I’m still not used to it and I don’t plan on getting used to it any time soon. The shorter breaks make more sense to me. A shorter hiatus with frequent breaks would be a lot better. It would keep my interest in the show a lot more than the longer breaks. This is me assuming the frequent breaks would be due to holidays or special televised events that would get in the way of viewership (e.g. Superbowl, Awards Show). I’ve been looking forward to the new and final season of Stranger Things (NETFLIX), but with the last season airing over two years ago and the new season not set to premiere for another year, I find myself forgetting that the fifth season hasn’t come out yet. If you ask me, the show ended in 2022. Will I still tune in to this new season? Probably, but now because of this extremely long hiatus – I’ll have to do a rewatch. I don’t mind doing that, but it would be nice to not have to.

AS: I have never been a fan of longer hiatus shows once the season ends, especially if they last for multiple years I totally understand that there are certain factors which would delay seasons and the production could take time, but if it keeps getting pushed back further and further, then at some point, I’ll just completely forget what happened in the previous season and I’ll have to go back and do a rewatch and start from scratch almost? Or at least see the finale again. Smaller breaks if they take time off for the holidays or award shows or even like a mid-season break works just fine to me; plus the idea that once a show finishes its run and then goes off air for a couple of months to film the new season before airing in the fall works! Stranger Things (Netflix) has been off-air for so long I’ll need to see season 4 in its entirety again before I dive back in, but I’m still going to tune in for that because it’s highly anticipated and I can’t wait to see how it ends.

ET: I prefer longer hiatuses with less breaks for procedurals and dramas and shorter hiatuses with frequent breaks for sitcoms/comedic shows. Sitcoms by nature are episodic and so the plots are stand-alone which means that the frequent breaks won’t affect my viewing experience. Serials, on the other hand, follow a continuous plot and the fewer the breaks between the episodes, the better. So if the series can manage to have only one of two major breaks between episodes it’s more likely that I’ll be able to keep up with it. Frequent breaks also mean I have to keep track of what holidays or events will interrupt the show and…that’s a lot of effort.

MH: I really hate a long gap between seasons. It’s even worse when they split the season. In those cases, I need a thirty-minute “previously on…” I’m really dreading Yellowstone (Paramount) returning because I completely forgotten where we left off. If the series has multiple characters and plotlines, it’s hard to maintain interest with a long gap between seasons. On the other hand, with a show like Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO), the gap between seasons doesn’t matter. Part of that is Larry David setting that expectation with the audience in advance ,and the other part is the clever ways that they have callbacks to previous seasons (and petty fights).

JO: I prefer having a longer hiatus between episodes for less breaks because I personally feel it helps the show’s ratings maintain their momentum much better than having short hiatuses and then having frequent breaks every other week. For this current television season Matlock (CBS) premiered it’s pilot episode on the 22nd of September 2024 and was off the air until the 17th of October 2024, thankfully that did not affect it’s ratings and the show has been renewed for a 2nd season.

Audiences can forget about a show when the networks or streaming services have longer breaks which can ultimately compromise the ratings and success of a show. There is also so much competition these days due to the myriad of streaming services that exist nowadays, Netflix for example releases new movies and tv series every other week so people can easily stop watching a show elsewhere if they find it hard to keep up with that show’s schedule.

KR: I prefer a shorter hiatus between episodes with frequent breaks throughout the season because of the engagement and pacing that it creates. I especially appreciate this more with network TV shows since regular breaks keep the anticipation high without leaving me waiting for too long. This format also helps build suspense and allows time to process every episode, while still giving me a steady flow of its content. This provides an ideal balance between absorption and breathing room, which makes the viewing experience more manageable and enjoyable.

SO: I think that to enjoy a series more I prefer longer hiatuses, cause that also allow for longer periods of consecutive episodes, because that way you can keep the thread of the story, since usually after the long breaks, there’s a brief recap of the previous chapters and that way we can remember where we left since the last time we saw a new episode. With shorter but more frequent hiatuses, I think the rhythm can get lost a bit and that can even cause the audience to get confused about which days there are going to be new episodes, which in the long run could lead to a lack of interest in following a series, since there is not such a clear consistency in the broadcast of the episodes.

A lot of streaming services have been moving back to the weekly model. Do you prefer when a whole season drops at once, so you can binge it, or the weekly drops?

VL: My preference for whether I want a weekly drop or everything at once depends on the show. I’m currently watching Agatha All Along (Disney+) and it’s a weekly drop. I’m completely okay with that. Because of how the storytelling is on that show, I need some time to process what I’ve seen and to obsess over it for a few days before I’m ready for the next part. If I’m being honest, the weekly drops only make sense to me for Disney+ shows. It’s the model they’ve had since the start. For something like Outer Banks (NETFLIX) I will need every episode all at once or else I will lose my mind. This season they split the season into two premiere dates and I simply could not deal with that. They did the same thing with Bridgerton and it irritated me so much that I still haven’t seen the second half of the third season. I liked that streaming services were different from television because they offered you everything all at once. The fact that so many of them are moving to a weekly model loses that original concept that many enjoyed about streaming. If there’s nothing different about the streaming model and network television model then what’s the selling point for these streaming sites? Alright, maybe exclusive shows, but is that enough anymore?

AS: Weekly drops are the way to go if you ask me – the intensity of “binge watching” and then posting spoilers left, right and center within like 12 hours is absolutely unnecessary and shouldn’t be a thing people need to ascribe to. It takes away the joy of watching an episode, going through the emotions, letting oneself sit with those feelings, taking time to process and then hypothesize what might happen next! Yes, I get the temptation to just hit “next” and not have to be patient about getting answers to the latest twist, but… in my opinion, it means we don’t get to savor the experience. I watch shows on Netflix, they do a full drop and maybe it depends on what the show is, but even if I have access to all episodes at once, I can still choose a more laid back option on how I’ll see it Disney+ and Hulu do weekly episodes, and so does Max and Apple TV+ but I think Prime Video does full drops as well?

Yes, the pattern would make it pretty much identical to network television, but perhaps it depends on each streaming site and our own preferences?

ET: I will forever be a fan of streaming services dropping an entire season at once! I think that’s what differentiated it from cable in the first place and so moving back to the weekly model just feels somewhat pointless to me, which may be why I haven’t watched many recently. I understand how it could be beneficial for some shows and allows people to have a better fandom experience where everyone can discuss the episodes as they drop, but I prefer to binge, and having all the episodes at my disposal gives me the choice to watch how and when I want. I will say though, if a series on a streaming site has 13+ episodes (rare these days, I know) I will consider watching weekly but anything less and I’ll wait until the entire season is out.

MH: A series that has weekly drops is the ideal situation. If I fall in love with a new show and the whole season is available, I’m binging, and it’s not pretty. At the time, I love being immersed in this new world, but after its over, I feel like I lost a friend and the wait for a new season can be interminable. The best of both worlds is finding a series that had multiple seasons and is now over. I can control how much I binge, and I know that there is a definite end.

JO: I think my preference largely depends on the type of show certain shows work better as a binge and others work better weekly. I feel a show like House of the Dragon (HBO) would not benefit as much from a binge model since it requires the audience to soak in some of the crazy events that occur, part of the fun of a show like that is the online discussions that emerge weekly around the show. Not every show is like that and some shows need to be binged to get the full viewing experience from them.

KR: I prefer when a whole season drops at one so that I can binge it because I’m a selfish tv enthusiast who wants to see it all instead of being anxious until the next episode airs, wondering what’s going to happen. When a season drops at once, I absolutely love sitting down with a snack or dinner, kick my feet up, and stay in place for hours until the season has been successfully watched all the way to the end. I appreciate those “at once season drops” for the simple fact that I will be able to share all my opinions of each episode, character, and story line for the entire season without missing out on or forgetting little details here and there as I might do if I waited for the next episode since I watch and enjoy a lot of shows and movies.

SO: I don’t have a particular preference, but it doesn’t really bother me that in streaming, episodes are released weekly, because at the end of the day it’s a return to the traditional way of watching TV, although I know that one of the benefits of these platforms is not having to wait a long time to watch new episodes or even a full season. In my case, I’m not so much into binge watching seasons (or a whole series); I just like to watch one installment per time because I feel that way I have the chance to watch more series at the same time. What is true is that if someone wants to watch the seasons that are released this way, they can wait until all the episodes have dropped, though the downside is that sometimes you end up finding many spoilers everywhere or you could get FOMO for not being able to keep up with what everyone is talking about.

ZF: I will forever be an advocate of the weekly model. It’s just so much better to engage with, week to week, coming up with your own theories and such, and be able to talk to other people about it. The anticipation that builds up each week is unbeatable. It’s no match for what the binge model is… A race to the finish line so you aren’t overwhelmed by spoilers the moment you log onto social media or talk to anyone in society (if it’s a big enough show).

In the past week, what notable TV moment has happened? Any new releases to recommend? A scene that blew you away? Anything you’re looking forward to next week? 

VL: I will always and forever recommend High Potential (ABC). It’s truly the show people don’t know they need in their lives, but that’s okay – I am here to help guide you. Yes, it’s predictable and you always question “how is this allowed?” and “how does she get away with this?”. Despite all that, it always leaves you with a feel good moment. You want to be upset with Morgan throughout the episode because of her choices but by the end of the episode you want to give her a hug and tell her life is crap but you’re doing alright. Now I’m typing this not having seen last week’s episode, but man does the chemistry between Morgan and Karadec keep me entertained. I can’t describe what it is with them but I love it. I’m serious, just watch and see for yourself. 9-1-1’s Halloween episode last week was hilarious. The show, to me, is so unserious at times, but this? Buck believing he’s been cursed because he disturbed a corpse he believed was just a prop had me in shambles. Great performance by Oliver Stark in this episode. Something else really stood out to me in this episode also though: Tommy is not a great boyfriend. Look before I get attacked for saying that (I’m kidding it’s okay to attack me for it – I like laughing), you cannot possibly believe that this is a relationship that’s– oh what’s that word I kept seeing misused? Blossoming? If someone is capable of telling me how this relationship works I am all ears because I’m not seeing it and I wish it would go away. I just don’t see the chemistry between Buck and Tommy. There’s no new episode this week, but I can’t wait for next week’s new episode of 9-1-1. My expectations are mid because I don’t want to let myself down, but I cannot wait to see it. I can’t wait for all of my shows to return next week actually. Circling back to whether or not I like the short breaks – waiting two weeks for a show to return is so much better than waiting MONTHS.

AS: One of the week’s highlights for me would have to be 9-1-1 (ABC) with their Halloween episode last week. The only thing that I have to say is kudos to Declan Pratt (Denny Wilson) who stole the show! That entire sequence was absolutely nerve-wracking and heart-pounding and I have to say, when you have child actors who are so immensely talented, when given the chance, they shine the brightest!

This week I’m waiting to watch The Diplomat (Netflix) airing its second season because after that terrifying cliffhanger last season, I need answers!!!

ET: It was Halloween Night on Dancing with the Stars (ABC) and this week and oh my gosh…everyone needs to tune it! It was two hours of intense nail-biting and sitting on the edge of my seat (literally) as I waited for judging and voting to finish. A very tense atmosphere, shocking eliminations and killer performances. I can’t believe I didn’t start watching sooner. Ilona Maher and Alan Bersten’s first number was by far my favourite and though there won’t be an episode next week I’m definitely looking forward to the one after that.

MH: Shrinking (HBO) is still firing on all cylinders for its season two. Brett Goldstein continues to break my heart, and you just know this theme of forgiveness will impact every character. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) was also great. Look for the sketch with a proposed new song, sung by Will Ferrell, to be played during naturalization ceremonies and replace “God Bless the USA.”

JO: Last week’s episode of Agatha All Along (Disney+) was just fantastic, Patti Lupone delivered an excellent performance. Episode 7 elevated the show as a whole. The climactic scene when Lillia faces the Salem 7 is pretty amazing and shows the effectiveness of Lillia’s psychic powers in a battle.

I’m looking forward to the season finale of Agatha All Along (Disney+) this week (I haven’t watched the finale yet). I’m also excited for the second season of Keri Russell’s show The Diplomat (Netflix).

KR: I’m looking forward to the next episode of From (MGM+) and what will be discovered or concluded about Fatima’s baby since the ultrasound showed that she’s not pregnant. However, she has all the symptoms, and she even eats bad, moldy crops with no explanation as to why. I truly believe Boyd feels like his daughter n law’s pregnancy has something to do with the strange events and monsters that are in town who wander around at nighttime, but doesn’t want to tell his son, Ellis this news since he knows that would devastate both him and Fatima, not to mention that would mean his future grandchild is forming/growing to become one of the terrors in town.

SO: This past week was still Halloween themed so I watched another animated horror miniseries, this time one based on a manga by Japanese author Junji Itō. This anime is Uzumaki (Adult Swim / Max) that premiered last month and it’s about a town and its inhabitants stricken by a rather strange curse. Without having great knowledge about the source material, I must say that I think it’s a very good series, especially in the graphic part as I think it seems that you are watching the illustrations of a manga. About the story I can say that I also find it good and especially terrifying, but at times it also seems too far-fetched and incomprehensible, anyway I recommend it for those who like this genre and watching things out of the ordinary.

As for what’s coming up, I’m curious to see two adaptations of very famous novels from my country, which will be released next week on digital platforms. One is Like Water for Chocolate (Max), which will arrive on Nov 3 in series format; and the other is Pedro Páramo, a movie that will be released on Netflix on Nov 6.

That wraps up another round table! Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments below. See you next week!

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