Virgo Weekly Horoscope


WEEK OF June 27 – July 3, 2022

You’re no fan of nebulous relationships, Virgo, and you’ll be even less so starting Tuesday, June 28 when hazy Neptune spins into its annual five-month retrograde, in Pisces and your partnership house. But here’s the thing: As the planet of fantasy goes into snooze mode, your attempts to see a relationship’s future will be like peering into the fog. The best thing you can do until December 3? Suspend your expectations. You might think someone’s giving you a straight answer, but it could be far from “consensus reality” (whether intentionally or because they themselves don’t know). But there’s a deeper teachin” in all this for you, o’ linear and logical one! Sometimes, it’s more important to go with the flow than demand precision. This is a five-month experiment in being open to more creative and even counterintuitive solutions, which can actually help you develop your right-brain functioning. It can also bring some romantic moments, whether with a longtime love or something intriguingly novel. The only caveat: Don’t assume that what glitters is actually 14-karat gold. (But you can enjoy it in the moment, just the same!)

Later on Tuesday, the year’s only Cancer new moon powers up your eleventh house of teamwork and technology, kicking off a lively six-month period that’s ripe for digital advances and collaborative ventures. Cancer’s energy deepens your emotional connection to the people and projects you get involved with, so even if something is potentially lucrative, if it doesn’t feel aligned with your values, it might not be worth investing too much time or energy into. But when you are on the right path, things will ignite swiftly and dramatically! Amorous ideas can suddenly solidify and the right people can appear from seemingly out of the blue. “Like attracts like,” and when you put your dream out there with sincerity and passion, you can’t help but draw in appropriate resources. Over the next two weeks, pay close attention to any strong vibes you pick up on. If you’re looking to assemble the Virgo dream team, put out the word to your own circle of friends and colleagues and ask them to do the same. Ask, believe, receive!

On Friday, it may feel like someone is playing with the thermostat in your love life! Lusty Mars is slinking through your erotic eighth house. And when it forms its annual square to penetrating Pluto—who’s parked in your passionate fifth house—it’s like throwing a match on a powder keg! Has the juiciness gone out of a relationship? Have you been on your own longer than you’d like? This activating angle can spur you to action. Pro tip: Be just open enough about your feelings to let someone in but not so much that you feel vulnerable. Be willing to take a savvy gamble if you feel like you’re the one holding you back. One thing to watch for: the unexpected appearance of the green-eyed monster. If you can’t muster the self-control to rein yourself in, step back from any potentially provoking situations and keep a mindful eye on your behavior. This will pass as quickly as it came on!

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